Saturday, February 27, 2010

The Teen Mom

No, this is not the MTV show, this is a girl that I actually don't mind being around. I just know way too much about her life. Her identifying factor is that she had a baby last semester. On the first day of class, when we had to introduce ourselves, that's honestly what she said when she mentioned something interesting about herself. She and the military lady chat about the military (the teen mom's dad is in the air force) and children and discipline and doctors and all-in-all unsavory topics that make me not want to have kids. Such as this conversation I overheard on a recent Thursday:

TM: "I just had to take my baby to get his shots. It was so hard!!"

ML: "Oh I know that feeling! I wouldn't even take my kids when they were babies. I'd make my mom do it. I'd be like, 'Mom, I don't want to see them in pain, you do it!'" (laughs)

TM: "Yeah, his father won't even do it, so I have to be the bad guy. Oh my gosh, it sucks."

ML:  "Just appreciate it now, when they're babies. Wait until they're older and mouthing off at you every chance they get. You'll be wishing for those days...[goes off into an unrelated story about her kids]"

FL: "When's this f*cking class going to start, let's go."

TM: "Yeah, some people have places they need to be, like a baby they need to pick up from the daycare center, jeez."

Great for you, teen mom. I bet you're an awesome mom and extremely lucky to still be with the baby's father. It seems like you're providing a relatively stable life for your child. Once it becomes something that we all have to hear about, that's when I say enough. Being a teen mom is not wearing a badge saying, "YAY I'm a mom!" It's doing your job. Thanks for sharing your weird stories about kids that I won't need to know for about ten years. My uterus aches just thinking about it.

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